I read a lot of books; many of them are business books or business related. In my opinion, one of the major problems with business books is that they’re too long. They’re often repetitive and filled with too many anecdotes and stories that do little to support author’s assertions. I’d much rather pay an equivalent price for a good, concise business book than I would the typical bloated business book that’s heavy on the anecdotes and light on insight. In fact, I believe that if you could iterate through the typical business book and remove redundancies and anecdotes, you’d probably reduce most of them down to a one page summary, or at best, a magazine length article.
That’s my segue to a really good TechStars video of the MyBlogLog founders’ session with the TechStars crew. The video is a gold mine of information and advice for any web startup. It’s 80 minutes long. I’ve watched it twice. I wish I could buy the book. There’s a ton of information and I think watching the video is time well spent. My only advice is to be sure to keep your favorite note-taking tools handy; there’s a lot of stuff you’ll probably want to jot down and think about.